2016  Schedule in Malaysia, 7-day Paida and Lajin Experiential Programme 

Date: August 5-11



2016  Schedule in Malaysia, 7-day Paida and Lajin Experiential Programme 

Date:  August 5-11

  Venue: Enderong House, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia


  *Fee: RM3,600.00 per pax 

*Inclusive of accommodation (triple sharing) and food (primarily vegetarian) and 3-day of fasting.  


Participants will learn Paida and Lajin DIY therapies as a way to maintain GOOD HEALTH – simple and yet powerful methods to SELF heal by activating your own immune system and DIY without relying on medicine, just natural self healing.


According to  , diseases are caused by blockage of meridians; clearing the meridians can therefore heal diseases.


Participants will learn and take part in zen jogging, meditation, fasting, waist swirling, hitting the wall, knowledge on the self healing therapies, Paida Lajin theory and practice and sharing of experience.


*Paida and Lajin are promoted as self-healing methods and are not meant for or substitute medical treatment. Please consult a qualified medical practitioner for any health issues*    


Organiser/主办:Yi Consultancy (Ms. Chuah)  

HP/手机: +6 012 428 3265  

Email/电邮: yi.consultancy@gmail.com 


Lajin Bench/拉筋凳, Leg Strap/綁腳布, Paida Pan/拍打板, Standing Lajin Ban立位拉筋站板/, Books/书籍 & CDs


 Please call or email for inquiries or registration form/ 请打手机或电邮以获取报名表格。


Xiao Lao Shi’s Blog (in Chinese)/萧老师博客: http://blog.sina.com.cn/yixingtx

E-Tao Official Site /医行天下官网:www.paidalajin.comwww.paidalajin.com/en/home/ 


~ The future isn’t set but the potentials are very real ~ 


2016  马来西亚 7日拍打拉筋体验营                                 

日期:  8月5-11 号                                 

地點: Enderong House 彭亨州,马来西亚


 *费用: 马币:3,600.00/人 

*包括住宿 (3人房), 饮食 (素食), 辟谷3天

 拍打拉筋体验营 以分享《黄帝内经》自愈法为宗旨,通过分享自愈健康管理,让人人获得健康喜乐的美好人生。凡病皆为经络不通,故通经络可令人自愈。

