As we all know, blood circulates through our heart, kidneys, lungs, spleen, etc. etc. through very tiny capillaries. So are our lymph fluid that circulates throughout the lymphatic system.

Click here to learn about the functions of the lymphatic system.

The lymph is formed when the interstitial fluid (the fluid which lies in the interstices of all body tissues) is collected through lymph capillaries. It is through these tiny blood and lymph capillaries,  nutrients are delivered, and toxins are extracted.

The circulation in these tiny blood and lymph capillaries are called “microcirculation”.

“Microcirculation is the circulation of the blood in the smallest blood vessels, present in the vasculature embedded within organ tissues. This contrasts with macrocirculation, which is the circulation of blood to and from the organs… Therefore microcirculation includes arterioles, capillaries, and venules. “


In other words, no matter how efficient the “macrocirculation”, such as heart and aorta, are functioning, if the “microcirculation” is blocked, we will get sick.  It is so, simply because our nutrients cannot get to the right place and our toxins cannot get out. In other words, microcirculation is the last leg of the macrocirculation.  It is the key to efficient macrocirculation. If microcirculation is blocked, no matter how good your macrocirculation, such as cardiovascular system, operates, you still will have sick organs and dysfunction hormonal glands.

In other words, health in the microcirculation determines the health of our organs, and therefore our overall health.

You may now ask since these capillaries are so tiny, how do we know where are they blocked and how do we clean up the blockage?

Good question.  This is what our methods are targeted for. We will share with you, how to detect your blockage in your microcirculation system, as well as how to clean them up.